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Breedings Box

Breedings Box

Windy Acres Kennel

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Since we do not ship, we will be doing some personal deliveries or meeting half way whichever works out for everyone wanting a puppy from us. There will be a charge of about the same as what the airlines will charge but you will have a more “personal” delivery where your puppy is more comfortable with people who they know making the trip.

All of these litters are DM clear and parents have been OFA’d before entering into our breeding program.

**As the girls come into heat, sires can change depending on the girl**

Breedings 2024


I used NuVet for all my dogs from puppy to adult. I highly recommend NuVet to all my new puppy owners for the life of their dog and also NuJoint for stronger bones and joints. Go to their website  and use the order number 24976.

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